milton Dacosta, Construction on blue background, s.d.
Paulo Pires , Hug in color, s.d.
Paulo Pires , Human bow, s.d.
Lina Bo Bardi, Three Feet Armchair, s.d.
Lina Bo Bardi, Three-legged armchair in Cabreúva [1948], s.d.
Estêvão Roberto da Silva, Untitled, s.d.
Farnese de Andrade, Untitled, s.d.
Nelson Felix, Untitled, s.d.
Laura Vinci, Untitled, s.d.
Tunga, Untitled, s.d.
Joaquim Tenreiro, Composition (2), n.d.
Miguel Rio Branco, Belle la Bête, n.d.
Joaquim Tenreiro, Bicycles, n.d.
Iracy Ando, Building, n.d.
Joaquim Tenreiro, Cat, n.d.
Joaquim Tenreiro, Center table, n.d.
Eduardo Salvatore, Conference, n.d.
Milton Dacosta, Construction without black background, n.d.
Joaquim Tenreiro, Couch , n.d.
Sydney Amaral, Discóbolo, n.d.
Ivo Ferreira da Silva, Dry grass, n.d.
Unknown author, Ex-voto, n.d.
Unknown author, Ex-voto , n.d.
Unknown author, Ex-voto , n.d.
Unknown author, Ex-voto, n.d.
Unknown author, Ex-voto, n.d.
Alberto da Veiga Guignard, Fantasy in Minas Gerais, n.d.
Miguel Rio Branco, Hells Dyptich, n.d.
Artur Pereira, Nativity Scene, n.d.
Joaquim Tenreiro, Nocturnal, n.d.
Rubens Teixeira Scavone, On black background, n.d.
Miguel Rio Branco, Red and Blue with Horse, n.d.
Joaquim Tenreiro, Relief in three woods, n.d.
Alberto da Veiga Guignard, Sabará, n.d.
Miguel Rio Branco, Tattoo gorotire, n.d.
Iracy Ando, Three variation of the same theme, n.d.
Agnaldo dos Santos, Unidentified title, n.d.
Agnaldo do Santos, Unidentified title, n.d.
Agnaldo do Santos, Unidentified title, n.d.
Agnaldo dos Santos, Unidentified title, n.d.
Agnaldo dos Santos, Unidentified title, n.d.
José Pancetti, Untitled, n.d.
Tikashi Fukushima, untitled, n.d.
Miguel Rio Branco, Untitled, n.d.
Heitor dos Prazeres, Untitled, n.d.
Heitor dos Prazeres, Untitled, n.d.
Rubem Valentim, Untitled, n.d.
Emanoel Araújo, Untitled, n.d.
Joaquim Tenreiro, Untitled, n.d.
Joaquim Tenreiro, Untitled, n.d.
Joaquim Tenreiro, Untitled, n.d.
Joaquim Tenreiro, Untitled, n.d.
Maria Thereza Alves & Jimmie Durham - LABINAC, Continued Life, end 1800s / 2022
Mestre Didi, IGI IBIRI OBÁ NILÉ – Ancestral Tree of the King of the Eart, Dec. 1990
Mestre Didi, OPA EXIM ORUM OLU IBO – Scepter of the Flexa of the Hunter from Beyond, Dec. 1990
Mestre Didi, OPA OFÁ IODE - Scepter of the arrow that watches over the path, Dec. 1980
Mestre Didi, Untitled, c. 1998
Eduardo Salvatore, Composition in black and white, c. 1960
Eduardo Salvatore, Window, c. 1960
Agnaldo dos Santos, Unidentified title, c. 1958
José Pancetti, Untitled, from the Bahia series, c. 1952
Carlos Ligér, Leaves, c. 1951
José Yalenti, Untitled, c. 1950/1960
José Yalenti, Diana, c. 1950
José Yalenti, Untitled, c. 1950
José Yalenti, Untitled, c. 1950
Jean Manzon, The Hunting of the Alto-Xingu’s Indian, c. 1947
Thomaz Farkas, Waterfall, c. 1947
Jorge Zalszupin, CAPRI SIDETABLE, ano: 1959
Mika Takahashi, Solstice, 2024
Rodrigo de Castro, Untitled, 2024
Zimar, Untitled, from the Caretas de Cazumba series, 2024
Zimar, Untitled, from the Caretas de Cazumba series , 2024
Zimar, Untitled, from the Caretas de Cazumba series, 2024
Silvana Mendes, Afetocolagens: reconstructing visual narratives of black people in colonial photography, 2023
David Almeida, Araucárias assobiam cedo, 2023
David Almeida, Araucarias II, 2023
David Almeida, Araucarias in the afternoon, 2023
David Almeida, blue sun, 2023
David Almeida, De Bituca, 2023
of 8